Explorers Network Meetings

The Explorers Network has been launched in response to the artists, art organisations, supported studios and social care organisations who have connected through Explorers.

To decide the purpose of the network there will be regular meetings to share ideas. Here are the meeting notes, recordings and outcomes from each meeting.

For more information on joining the Explorers Network please contact martin@projectartworks.org.

Meeting 5 - 20.03.2024

You can download the captions for the meeting here.

Meeting 4 - 28.11.2023

You can download the meeting notes here.

Meeting 3 - 27.09.2023

Download notes here:

Meeting 2 - 25.07.2023

Download notes here:

The next Explorers meeting will take place on Wednesday 27 September, sign up here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/explorers-network-meeting-tickets-685679675367?aff=oddtdtcreator

Meeting 1 - 24.05.2023

Project Art Works currently coordinate the Network as part of the wider Explorers programme.

The Explorers project is supported by Arts Council England and the Paul Hamlin Foundation.