The following docments are often handed out during our Explorers Project events. Download them for free here.
If you have any questions about the following documents please contact Martin Swan at martin@projectartworks.org.
We hope these are useful.
9a. Explorers Consent Form template 2018
10. Collaborative creative workshop planning
10a. Participant Pre-Workshop Questionnaire
Creative Health - The Arts for Health and Wellbeing
PAW Pilot Study_Research Report_online version
Person_Centred_Planning_Toolkit (small)
putting_people_first - HM Government
Things you can do to support people with difficult behaviours - David Pitonyak
5. Model of working with new orgnisations and individuals
7. Reading List
9. Consent
To download all these documents download the zip disk here Project Art Works Resource Toolkit.
Useful links to films about Project Art Works and disability
Project Art Works Vimeo vimeo.com
BFI - Disabled Britain on film player.bfi.org.uk